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Extension Class

Extension class for SOLIDWORKS PDM API objects.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  CADSharpTools.PDM
Assembly:  CADSharpTools.PDM (in CADSharpTools.PDM.dll) Version: (1.4.16)
public static class Extension

The Extension type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberBatchCheckIn(IEdmVault5, IEdmFile5, Int32)
Batch check-in an array of PDM files.
Public methodStatic memberBatchCheckIn(IEdmVault5, String, Int32)
Batch check-out an array of PDM files.
Public methodStatic memberBatchCheckOutFiles(IEdmVault5, IEdmFile5, Int32)
Batch check out an array of PDM files.
Public methodStatic memberBatchCheckOutFiles(IEdmVault5, String, Int32)
Batch check out an array of PDM files.
Public methodStatic memberCheckIn
Check the specified file into the vault using the default behavior.
Public methodStatic memberCheckOut
Check out the specified file from the vault using the default behavior.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllFiles
Returns an array of PDM files.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllFilesAsync
Returns an array of PDM files. If canceled, method returns found files.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllReferences
Returns an array of IEdmReference5 object from a specified file.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllUserGroups
Returns an array of all user groups in the specified vault.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllUsers
Returns an array of all users in the specified vault.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllWorkflows
Returns an array of all workflows in the specified vault.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllWorkflowStates
Returns an array of all workflow states from the specified workflow.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllWorkflowTransitions
Returns an array of all workflow transitions from the specified workflow.
Public methodStatic memberGetConfigurationSetting
Returns a setting node value from a xml configuration file. File must be stored in the CADSharpTools.PDM directory
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetDataCardVariable
Gets the value of the vault data card variable for the specified checked out file.
Public methodStatic memberGetDrawing
Returns the SOLIDWORKS drawing that exists in the same directory and has the same filename as the specified PDM file.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileLastModifiedDateTime
Returns the most recent modified date time for the specified file.
Public methodStatic memberGetFolder
Returns the folder object from the specified file object.
Public methodStatic memberGetFullName
Returns the full name of the specified user.
Public methodStatic memberGetLastCheckInDateTime
Returns the most recent check in date time for the specified file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetLocalPath
Returns the local path from the PDM file object.
Public methodStatic memberGetPDMFileReferencedDocuments
Returns an array of referenced documents by the specified PDM file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetVariableFromDb
Gets the value of the vault variable for the specified file.
Public methodStatic memberGetVariablesFromDB
Gets the values of the specified file in bulk.
Public methodStatic memberGetVaultVariableNames
Returns an array of all vault variable names.
Public methodStatic memberHasLocalCopy
Returns whether the specified file has a local copy.
Public methodStatic memberIsSldAssembly
Returns if the file is a SOLIWORKS assembly document.
Public methodStatic memberIsSldDrawing
Returns if the file is a SOLIWORKS drawing document.
Public methodStatic memberIsSldPart
Returns if the file is a SOLIWORKS part document.
Public methodStatic memberMsgBox
Send the logged-in user a message.
Public methodStatic memberSetDataCardVariable
Sets the value of the vault data card variable for the specified file.
Public methodStatic memberSetDataCardVariable2
Sets the value for the specified variable and refreshes the data card preview.
Public methodStatic memberSetVariableToDb
Set the value of a vault variable.
Public methodStatic memberShowInBillOfMaterials
Gets or gets whether a reference shows in the bill of materials tab.
Public methodStatic memberTryGetFolder
Returns the folder object from the specified file otherwise return null and catch any thrown exceptions.
Public methodStatic memberTryGetObjectT
Attempts to get a PDM object.
Public methodStatic memberUndoCheckOut
Undo a check out operation on the specified file.
See Also